Have a great week!
12 months ago, Marissa McDaniel
The championship round starts at 2:00 MT and Jaret's match will be streamed on Facebook. A notification will go out 1 round prior to his.
12 months ago, CCS FBLA
Join us Monday February 19 in Mr. Specks room to enjoy Breakfast from 6-7:45 a.m. FFA members and the public are encouraged to come! Enter through the auxiliary gym doors.
12 months ago, Imperial FFA
Wrestling starts at 8:00. Luis and Thomas will wrestle consolation matches. Jaret in finals on TV
12 months ago, Sandy O'Neil
Stem class robots with Mrs. Spady's 2nd grade
12 months ago, Kim Spady
Luis, Thomas and Jaret will wrestle again tonight starting at 5:30 MT. Watch on Facebook. Brooke and Hayley will wrestle again starting at 11:00.
12 months ago, Sandy O'Neil
Consider joining us on March 27th! Use the link below to register your business! https://forms.gle/hFAVYU2jTC3z6HB77
12 months ago, J. Paisley
Great work (as always) here by Bob Jensen of Huskerland Preps -- we are all VERY proud of Jaret!! https://huskerlandpreps.rivals.com/news/on-the-other-hand-jaret-peterson-chase-county
12 months ago, Carl Zuege
Good luck to our 7 wrestlers that are headed to compete at State today!! We're proud of our Longhorns!
12 months ago, Marissa McDaniel
Happy National FCCLA Week! For Tuesday's "FCCLA Day of Service" we created 750 rocks painted with inspiring messages. All 620 CCS students received one this morning. The remainders were hidden around town this afternoon for students to seek!
12 months ago, Misty Jaeger
Science Fair is here!!! Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 14, 2024, CCS will be holding their annual science fair. This is open to the public from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, so come out and see the marvelous work these students have accomplished. If you plan to attend, please check in with the office before proceeding to the Auxiliary Gym and be mindful of the presentations being judged during your visit.
about 1 year ago, Joni Kirwan
K-4 Mini Cheer Camp was quite a success! Thanks to everyone who participated!
about 1 year ago, CCS CHEER
mini cheer camp
The CCS Senior Artist of the week is Iris Robles! Iris also had art class with Mr. Stephenson from Perkins Co. her sophomore year. "Blk & Wht Flowers"- Oil Paint, "Butterfly"-Chalk/Pastel, "Fish"-Acrylic @ PCS, "Portrait"-Pencil @ PCS, "Koi"- Paper Mache. Congratulations, Iris!!
about 1 year ago, Chelsea Zuege
There's a big week ahead!
about 1 year ago, Marissa McDaniel
Boys Wrestling District Results and State Qualifiers: Jaret Peterson- 1st Zach Tarin- 2nd Luis Co- 3rd Thomas Reeves-3rd Westyn Mendenhall- 4th
about 1 year ago, Chelsea Zuege
Chase County Speech-Blue and Gold Results Novice Finalists Chloe C. & Andee S.-3rd in Duet Beau W.-6th in Extemp Varsity Finalists George C.-4th in Entertainment Other CCS Speakers Jasmine J.-Entertain Andrew W.-Humor & Serious Paige N.-Humor Kevin D-Inform Zach H.-Inform Katelyn S.-Poetry Emily R.-Poetry
about 1 year ago, Alexandria Schilke
Congratulations to this week's PBIS winners! These students work hard at being safe, respectful, and responsible. We LOVE our Chase County Students!
about 1 year ago, Ashley Vlasin
Weekly Winners
Reminder that mini cheer camp is tomorrow for those who previously registered.
about 1 year ago, CCS CHEER
Have a passion for teaching and mentoring kids, but don't have an education degree? Consider becoming a JAG specialist at Chase County Schools through the United Way! JAG is a new program that Chase County Schools will offer beginning in the 24-25 school year for Grades 7-12 students who would benefit from the support of a trusted, adult mentor as they prepare for life outside of high school. In addition to teaching life skills through the provided JAG core competencies curriculum, the JAG specialist will mentor students as they navigate jobs and careers with work-based learning experiences in our local community and area work force. Please click on the link below and find Chase County Schools for more information. A four-year degree in any field is required, and it is a salary-based, 12 month position with benefits housed inside the school building daily. https://unitedwaymidlands.org/application-for-employment/
about 1 year ago, Adam Lambert
We Are Hiring JAG
about 1 year ago, Angela Paisley