Students receive tickets throughout the week for following "The Longhorn Way". Those tickets are turned in for a drawing at the end of the week for student of the week from each grade. Grade level tickets earn "medals" that add up to earn the grade level a party once they reach 10 medals.

PBIS 5-8
Grades 5-8 are rewarded with Longhorn Bucks when they are seen following "The Longhorn Way" and then are able to cash those bucks in at a school store that is open every Tuesday after school.
The store is stocked with:
candy, gum
snack cakes, chips, drinks
Extra Recess Passes
gift certificates and gift cards

PBIS 9-12
Every month teachers are asked to nominate students who have gone above and beyond to show that they follow "The Longhorn Way". The PBIS committee analyzes the nominations and chooses 2 students based on the nominations to become "student of the month". Those two students receive front row parking for the month, a mug full of treats and gift certificates for local businesses.
The other students who are nominated receive candy with a note that has their nomination on it so that they know what staff members say about them.
At the end of the year, all of the student names who received student of the month go into a drawing that selects 2 over all to receive a scholarship from PBIS.