The CCS Senior Artist of the Week is Ella Colson! "Boat"-Acrylic, "Lily"-Chalk/Pastel, "Jellyfish"-Oil Pastel, and "Piano"- Oil Paint. Congratulations, Ella!
Join us this Tuesday for our monthly FFA Meeting!
Chase County Junior High Track & Field Participant/Parents Meeting Tuesday, March 12 @ 3:45 PM in the Auditorium.
Thursday, March 14 Junior High -Track Practice 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Athletes need to have physical turned in before they are eligible to practice if they did not participate in a Fall or Winter Sport. NSAA Form and Impact Testing will also need to be completed before practice
Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday. We hope everyone has had a great Spring Break and we'll see you Tuesday!
To help celebrate Dr. Seuss week, CCS fourth graders read a Dr. Seuss book to our Kindergarten friends! 🫶🏻
Congratulations to our February Monthly PBIS winners! Thank you students, teachers, paras and all staff who support building the wonderful character traits of being safe, respectful, and responsible!
Congratulations to our PBIS winners from the last two weeks! (I was gone last week so apologies for not getting it up sooner.) We have such appreciation for all of our students and how they all strive to be safe, respectful, and responsible!
We sure appreciate Mrs. Bischoff keeping our kids safe in the crosswalk in all sorts of weather!
Thank you Adan and Danny for making the frames for Mr. Barr's student artwork hanging up in his office. Great work gentleman!
Due to weather conditions for today-we will have to reschedule our Middle School Mingle. We will try fro a date in April and parents will be contacted as soon as possible. The T shirts will still be passed out to students who had planned to participate.
Congratulations to CCS Cheer on earning this year's first Academic Excellence Award for cheerleading! (Recognition of teams that excel in the classroom while also being dedicated to cheerleading)
We would like to congratulate Easton Fries on signing with Concordia for track next year! We know you'll make the Longhorns proud!
Congratulations to the 2024 Prom Court! King Candidates are Zachary Herbert, Mason Wallin, and Jason Nelson. Queen Candidates are Athziry Valenzuela, Faith Hauxwell, and Hailey Markee. Join us for Promenade on March 16th to see who is crowned the King and Queen for 2024!
The Interact Club is looking to combine fundraising with making your life easier. If you'd like to have them egg your house, please contact an Interact member by March 16th!
On Wednesday, March 6th at 9:15 AM, Easton will be signing with Concordia College for Track. 🏃👟
The signing will take place in the auditorium. If you are free, come congratulate Easton on his next chapter.
Go Bulldogs!
What a great hands-on health exploration experience event at the McCook Hospital. These students were able to explore the different careers within the Healthcare pathway!
The CCS Senior Artist of the Week is Jill Pankonin! "Pink Pants"-Acrylic, "Yellowstone"-Acrylic, "Portrait"-Pencil, "Iris"-Oil Paint, "Marilyn"-Watercolor, "Shoes"-Acrylic, "Cactus"-Acrylic. Congratulations, Jill!
It's a short week! Don't forget that we have spring break on Friday so there is no school.
Maxwell Speech Invite Results
3rd 🥉 overall out of 24 teams.
Individual Medalists
Jasmine J.-2nd
George C.-4th
Andrew W.-6th
Zach H.-2nd
George, Andrew, Kevin D., and Zach-1st
Andrew W.-1st
Make sure to join us TODAY for our annual labor auction!