Reminder: 2024 Summer Conditioning Begins Tomorrow (Monday June 3rd)
Session 1: 6:00-7:00 AM High School Male Athletes in grades 9th-12th (Next Fall)
Session 2: 7:15-8:15 AM High School Female Athletes in grades 9th-12th (Next Fall)
***This session will also be open to any additional 9-12 Male Athletes***
Session 3: 8:30-9:30 AM Junior High Male & Female Athletes 7th-8th (Next Fall)
*** Fall Practices for High School will begin Monday, August 12th. Please have physicals turned into the office and impact test completed before August 12th.***

The SFSP is open to all kids ages one to 18 during the summer months. Use the tools below to find a Summer Meals site near you.
TEXT “FOOD” OR “COMIDA” to 304-304
During summer, Nebraska Appleseed’s national partner No Kid Hungry hosts a text line to help families find summer meals: text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 to get referred to the 3 closest meal sites open near you.
The USDA’s Meals 4 Kids map shares SFSP site information from across the US during summer.
El SFSP está abierto a todos los niños de 1 a 18 años durante los meses de verano. Utilice las herramientas a continuación para encontrar un sitio de Summer Meals (Comidas de verano) cerca de usted.
ENVÍE “FOOD” O “COMIDA” al 304-304
Durante el verano, el socio nacional de Nebraska Appleseed, No Kid Hungry, ofrece una línea de texto para ayudar a las familias a encontrar comidas de verano: envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "FOOD" o "COMIDA" al 304-304 para ser remitido a los 3 sitios de comidas abiertos más cercanos a usted.
El Mapa de Comidas para los Niños del USDA comparte información del sitio SFSP de todo EE. UU. durante el verano.

Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (SEBT)
If your student was eligible for Free or Reduced-price meals in SY2023-24 they will receive a Summer EBT card with $120 in funds to use on nutritious foods during summer break. Visit Nebraska Summer EBT 2024 for more information about Summer EBT eligibility, resources for healthy food choices, answers to frequently asked questions, and for information about other food access resources when school is out.
Si su estudiante fue elegible para comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido en el año escolar 2023-24, recibirá una tarjeta Summer EBT con $120 en fondos para usar en alimentos nutritivos durante las vacaciones de verano. Visite Nebraska Summer EBT 2024 para obtener más información sobre la elegibilidad de Sumer EBT, recursos para opciones de alimentos saludables,respuestas a preguntas frecuentes y para obtener información sobre otros recursos de acceso a alimentos cuando la escuela está cerrada.

Chase County seniors Cooper Dillan, Tyler O'Neil, and Jaret Peterson will be representing our football program in the 46th Annual East/West All-Star Game in Scottsbluff, NE this Saturday at Bearcat Stadium. Kickoff is set for 12:00 noon CST, 11:00 MST. Good luck West Team!

Summer Skills starts tomorrow morning from 10:00-11:30 in the Auxiliary Gym. Contact Coach Bartels if you haven't signed up and want to do so. See you tomorrow!

Great opportunity

Chase Co. Schools FFA Greenhouse FLASH SALE!
FFA will be selling greenhouse flowers/plants on Main St. near the courthouse on Tuesday, May 28th - all items 50% off from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thank you for supporting Chase County Schools!

Our hearts bleed orange, black and white for our Classes of "4"!! Welcome back CCHS alumni!

Personal Finance students learned about loans and how to build their credit from Jeff and Carrie. Thank you Pinnacle Bank for taking time to come talk to our students.

Updated FFA Greenhouse Hours and information!!!
FLASH SALE! FLASH SALE! - Thursday, May 23rd!
The FFA Greenhouse will be open on Thursday, May 23rd from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
*All items will be 50% off
*Due to construction, please enter from the Commons Area doors and walk through the school to the greenhouse.
*We will have carts available to transport plants to your vehicle.
Also, we will be selling greenhouse items on Main St. near the courthouse on Tuesday, May 28th - all items 50% off from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Thank you for supporting Chase County Schools!

The Art Dept. is need of clean & new water cups & small metal or glass cups/containers similar to the ones in the picture. We use containers like these everyday for painting projects. Contact Mrs. Zuege or drop off at the school, please & thank you!

State will be underway in less than an hour. Due to weather conditions yesterday, Class C was unable to play the first day. They have reduced it to an 18-hole tournament.
Live results can be found on https://www.golfgenius.com/pages/4805369.

Midwest Elite Basketball is coming to Chase County to host a basketball camp for all boys and girls entering 7th-12th grade. Camp will take place on June 18th-June 19th in the Aux Gym. Boys will go from 8:00-12:00 and girls from 12:30-4:30.
Forms were given to incoming 7th-12th graders this week, but if you need an extra form you can pick one up in the CCS main office. Contact Coach Bartels with any questions!

Rentals Needed!!!
Looking for a 2 bedroom 1 bath for a future teacher. Teachers are great renters!
Please contact the school if you know of any.

Just an FYI,
If anyone would like to download a digital copy of either the Friday or Saturday sessions of state track meet, you can do so at the following link:
You may have to create an account, and the download is around $20, but once you have it you can watch it as many times as you'd like!!

Click the link to see CURRENT CCS Boys Track "Top Ten" Track & Field Record Holders, as well as current Boys Relay School Records.

Today, each 8th graders presented the 4th graders with the children's book they wrote and designed for them. This was a great opportunity for the ELA students to work on their writing, speaking, and listening skills. Plus, they forged great friendships with the 4th graders!

Yesterday some first graders found painted rocks on the playground. Today, we're painting some of our own!

A little over 10 years ago the class of 2014 graduated from Chase County Schools. We are excited to welcome them back this weekend for their 10 year reunion!🐂

Congratulations to junior Andrew Wiest for posting his 30+ ACT score on the record board for this spring! He is our third member of the junior class to score a 30+!